Master Mason Blue Lodge Passport - Blue & Gold Square & Compass
This passport is our top selling product...and with good reason! Our Masonic Passport is the most intricate and well made on the market.
The Brothers & Bonds Masonic Passport was created to inspire members of our fraternity to travel more, discover knowledge, and support other lodges.
Unlike other Masonic passports, every page of this Passport includes beautifully unique illustrations that only members of the Craft can truly appreciate.
Each page offers a large space for a lodge-seal and additional notes about your visit. It also includes reserved space for appendant bodies of Freemasonry within the 50 page document.
Note: This is a novelty passport. Ownership or possession of this product will not grant access or privileges of any kind. The intended use of this product is to allow the owner of the product to document and reflect on his travels to other lodges and jurisdictions within Freemasonry.